Dr Zaid Wall is the owner of TC Smiles and Principal dentist.
It's his passion to get patients fantastic results. He enjoys getting people out of pain and seeing them happy and satisfied. His areas of interest include orthodontics, implants, facial injectables, clear aligner braces, surgical extractions, root canal treatments, implant restorations, and crown and bridge work. To earn a Bachelor of Dental Surgery, he attended the prestigious Kings College in London. The further studies he has undertaken include a
vocational training year at KSS Deanery. After concluding his examinations and meeting the criteria to join the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, he obtained an MFDS (Membership of Faculty of Dental Surgery) diploma. As of 2020, Dr Wall successfully completed a post graduate diploma in Digital Orthodontics here in Australia. When Dr Wall came to Australia on holiday, he knew that the lifestyle was what he wanted. He moved and became a regional dentist in Gladstone for three years. An outreach programme he participated in led him to Papua New Guinea in 2012. This eye-opening experience led him to want to give back to the profession. He embarked on teaching undergraduate students at the University of Queensland.