Recognizing the intimacy and necessity of eye health, Corey established Core Optique as a boutique practice that would allow him to dedicate himself to ocular wellness and education, while connecting clients with their optical aesthetic.
Selecting the correct frame and lenses are crucial to the maintenance of eye health. Yet eyewear is a unique accessory, one that is essential for functionality, but also transcends each and every space of the individual. As a result, it is key that clients connect to their chosen eyewear, and feel as though it reflects and speaks to their personality and style.
Corey is passionate about working closely with our highly trained optometrists to catch early and accurate diagnoses of vision threatening conditions. Core Optique specialises in contact lens fittings, macula degeneration, diabetic eye exams, glaucoma, and cataract assessments.
To learn more about how Corey or the Core Optique team can assist, feel free to contact us or simply stop by our clinic.