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Tanya Davis


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Tanya is a Reg­is­tered Psy­chol­o­gist with 11 years expe­ri­ence in the men­tal health sec­tor and has been a reg­is­tered coun­sel­lor for the past sev­en years. She holds an Hon­ours degree in Psy­cho­log­i­cal Sci­ence, a Bach­e­lor of Behav­iour­al Sci­ence and a Diplo­ma of Pro­fes­sion­al Counselling. Tanya has pub­lished research focus­ing on Mind­ful­ness and Adult Attachment. Tanya’s ther­a­peu­tic approach is eclec­tic and evi­dence-based, her expe­ri­ence and spe­cial inter­est areas include: Cog­ni­tive Behav­iour­al Therapy Ratio­nal Emo­tive Behav­iour­al Therapy Nar­ra­tive Ther­a­py and; Gestalt and Aware­ness Therapy.
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Mark Drake


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Mark is a Reg­is­tered Psy­chol­o­gist. He has been work­ing in the men­tal health sec­tor for the last 12 years in a vari­ety of roles, with the last eight spent as a coun­sel­lor. He holds a Bach­e­lor of Behav­iour­al Sci­ence, an Hon­ours degree in Psy­cho­log­i­cal Sci­ence, a Diplo­ma of Pro­fes­sion­al Coun­selling, and is an inter­na­tion­al­ly pub­lished Mind­ful­ness researcher. Mark’s ther­a­peu­tic approach is hall­marked by mind­ful­ness and aware­ness ther­a­py. His expe­ri­ence and inter­est areas include: Accep­tance and Com­mit­ment ther­a­py (ACT) Mind­ful­ness interventions Gestalt and Aware­ness Therapy Nar­ra­tive Therapy Cog­ni­tive Behav­iour­al Therapy Ratio­nal Emo­tive Behav­iour­al Therapy Per­son Cen­tred Ther­a­py approaches
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09:00 am - 03:00 pm
09:00 am - 03:00 pm
09:00 am - 03:00 pm
09:00 am - 03:00 pm
09:00 am - 02:00 pm

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