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Angel Fan is an accredited practicing dietitian who provides personalised nutritional advice. After completing the Master of Dietetics at Monash University, Angel honed her skills in communication, collaboration, and dietetic consultation. Meanwhile, she provides general nutrition information online platforms. Angel is passionate about improving the health status of the public, especially those who are more vulnerable. She believes that a balanced diet would be essential for improving the quality of life for everyone, and that the key to success is working closely with the clients.
View Siu Man (Angel) Fan
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Upmajit Kaur

Diabetes Educator

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Upmajit Kaur is a Credentialed Diabetes Educator with experience in managing persons with diabetes. Upmajit completed the Graduate Certificate of Diabetes Education from Deakin University in 2021. Upmajit has great experience in helping individuals manage their diabetes to their specific needs and has a special interest in CGM technology. Upmajit also works in tertiary hospitals supporting individuals with diabetes and their families. Areas of interest: - T1DM, continuous glucose monitoring - T2DM - Steroid-induced diabetes - Diabetes Medication review - Gestational Diabetes - Blood glucose monitoring - Basic dietary education - Developing individualised diabetes management plan and sick day management plan
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